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HomeEnglishLess than 10 percent of Sri Lankans trust government, reveals new survey

Less than 10 percent of Sri Lankans trust government, reveals new survey

The Government of Ranil Wickremesinghe’s popularity has gone downhill within the last four months, according to a recent poll.

In a new survey yet to be released by Verité Research for its October 2023 ‘Mood of the Nation’, the Government of Ranil Wickremesinghe’s approval rating has fallen from 21 Percent June 2023 to 9 Percent in October 2023. The private think tank based in Colombo surveys the ‘public sentiment and opinion’ and its findings have shown that the approval rating of the government has not only plummeted, but satisfaction level has depreciated since the survey was last taken.

Verité states that ‘The Mood of the Nation’ poll is conducted periodically, and is based on an island wide nationally representative sample of responses. The sample and methodology are designed to limit the maximum error margin to under 3% at a 95% confidence interval, which meets the gold standard of surveys.

The Morning newspaper reported “A statement issued in this regard explained how the scores were given: “Multiple choice questions on the condition and trajectory of the economy are used to generate the economic confidence score. The score can range from -100 to +100. A score above zero means more people see the economic conditions positively rather than negatively. If everyone thinks that the economy is in poor condition (instead of good or excellent), and everyone also thinks it is getting worse (rather than better), then the score will be a -100.”

The Island newspaper reports,: “To the question, “In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in Sri Lanka?”, only 6% said they were satisfied (with an error margin of ± 1.66%).” This is down from 12 percent in June 2023.

With economic confidence, the sentiment of the public recorded that it plummeted from a negative 44 score in June 2023 to negative 62. “However, this decline is still better than the levels observed in 2022 when the economic confidence score fluctuated between negative (-) 96 and negative (-) 78.” reports the Daily Mirror.

This poll is based on responses from 1,029 Sri Lankan adults and was conducted with the help of Vanguard Survey from October 21 to October 29, 2023. The survey will be released later on today, says Verite.

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